Friday, July 16, 2010


I keep overdrafting my bank account now that I don't get a direct
deposit from my job. I'm digging a hole for myself in the financial
world. sucking my own cock but soon enough I'm gonna cum a bullet
through my weird ass brain. Fuck it, all bullshit anyway.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


It's been days since I've written in this thing. Now that I don't work I kind of have all the time in the world between filling out unemployment paper work, watching movies and listening to Schubert's unfinished symphony as performed by the New York Philharmonic. I pace through the house if I'm not stoned and try my hardest not to tap into the bottle of Ancient Age on top of the refrigerator. It's always a bad idea to leave the bottle unfinished through the night and then have it taunting you throughout the day. Drinking in this heat is the last thing I should be doing, A hospital bill for a heat stroke is probably pretty hefty and Jesus Christ knows I don't have the money for that being jobless and all.

I reckon I'll be writing in this thing a lot more now that I don't have any time. Gotta keep those lonely thoughts documented.

I have been seeing a lot of movies lately with Gadam and I think we're gonna make some sort of fun blog where we review movies with less technical terms to appeal to the kids these days.

I have been getting horrible heartburn as of late, thanks in no part to my constant alcohol intake. Heartburn and ingrown hairs, the hardships of life. If it isn't one thing it's the other, amen amen amen, hallelujah.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


can you post pictures from email bloggin?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

it's always

a little more heartbreaking to see a beautiful woman hit by a speeding
car and splattered all over the street than the child walking beside

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is that/this/those?

Do you ever look at someone and for whatever reason you just can't help get mad? whether it be their weird looking face, their horrible fashion sense, or anything that usually doesn't piss you off but happens to do so at the moment you look at them. Happens to me all the time and I like to think I'm a person who doesn't pass judgement without knowing all the details before hand but if I see a dude who looks like Max from A Goofy Movie then I'm gonna be pissed. You can't just live in the cartoon world as well as the real world, it's not fair to anyone here. Go skateboard off a cliff.

Do you ever realize when you're at work that at one point you find something attractive about every female coworker that passes you by? I don't know what it is but I don't trust it one bit. It's called "work hot" and you're gonna find something attractive about every woman (or man if that's your thing) that you come in contact with. I would go into detail but if you know what I'm talking about then I don't need to explain and we know that it's a deceitful perception that our weird horny heads are working up to get through the day and find beauty in all things. There is always that one person you can't find one redeeming quality in though and 9/10 times they'll become your go to because you probably both know that there's not one inkling of a chance in any hell or heaven that anything passed a casual conversation is going to take place. I have one of those in my office and I can't tell you how much it's helped in some sticky situations like getting a ride home or needing a cigarette. Heart of gold and a face(/body) only Mother Theresa could look at and not puke her holy guts over.

I could just keep this post going with "Do you/Have you ever's" but there is no one to read or answer these questions so I'm kind of just asking myself and then telling myself, "yes that does happen actually."

I need to sharpen my punctuation skills, they leak from your mouth when you sleep. All the periods and colons fall right out and you don't even notice until you're typing run on sentences that have probably been running on for a few years, never to be ended until someone comes along and graces it with a period.

Lunch alone was nice, I need to do some work and stop being weird.