Thursday, July 15, 2010


It's been days since I've written in this thing. Now that I don't work I kind of have all the time in the world between filling out unemployment paper work, watching movies and listening to Schubert's unfinished symphony as performed by the New York Philharmonic. I pace through the house if I'm not stoned and try my hardest not to tap into the bottle of Ancient Age on top of the refrigerator. It's always a bad idea to leave the bottle unfinished through the night and then have it taunting you throughout the day. Drinking in this heat is the last thing I should be doing, A hospital bill for a heat stroke is probably pretty hefty and Jesus Christ knows I don't have the money for that being jobless and all.

I reckon I'll be writing in this thing a lot more now that I don't have any time. Gotta keep those lonely thoughts documented.

I have been seeing a lot of movies lately with Gadam and I think we're gonna make some sort of fun blog where we review movies with less technical terms to appeal to the kids these days.

I have been getting horrible heartburn as of late, thanks in no part to my constant alcohol intake. Heartburn and ingrown hairs, the hardships of life. If it isn't one thing it's the other, amen amen amen, hallelujah.

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